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About Guduchi

Giloy called by lots of names like Amrita or gulwha in Sanskrit and gulvel or giloe in English is an all-purpose herb belonging to the Menispermaceae family and is classified as Tinospora cordifolia. Its heart-shaped leaves, yellow flowers, and red, cherry-like fruits are the distinguishing characteristics of this evergreen woody climber. Guduchi in Ayurveda is very important for its therapeutic and soothing effects and grows well in tropical to subtropical areas around the world. Because of its ability to produce sweet nectar, it is quite aptly called Amrita or “the sweetness of longevity.

Tinospora cordifolia is a Latin name.

Tinospora cordifolia is a botanical name.

Menispermaceae is the family.

Guduchi and Giloy are two common names.

Heart-leaved Moonseed is its English name.

Stem, Leaves, and Root

Ayurveda features of Guduchi

Guduchi leaves

Rasa (taste): Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent)

Guna (attributes) include Laghu (light) and Snigdha (oily)

Virya (potency): Ushna (hot)

Benefits of Vipaka (post-digestive impact) and Madhura (sweet)

Benefits of Guduchi

Immunity Booster

Immunity Booster:

Guduchi is a good source for immune-modulating and antioxidant activity that boosts the body’s cells and defense systems

Insulin & Cholesterol level

Insulin and Cholesterol levels:

Keeps cholesterol levels in check and also sugar levels in check within the body naturally

Brain Power Enhancer

Brain Power Enhancer:

As a Medhya-Rasayana, a Cognitive Enhancer improves mental abilities, retention, and concentration.
Antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs

Antipyretics and anti-inflammatory drugs:

lower inflammation and treat persistent fevers

Conventional Applications

Turmeric and honey combined with leaf and stem powder lowers cholesterol and diabetes.

Turmeric and honey combined with leaf and stem powder lowers cholesterol and diabetes.

Decoction increases longevity, cures chronic fevers, and sharpens the mind.

Decoction increases longevity, cures chronic fevers, and sharpens the mind.

medicinal Uses

Skin and General Health Support
Effective in skin ailments, jaundice, respiratory disorders, and neurological issues

Acts as a diuretic, cooling agent, and digestive tonic.

Benefits genito-urinary health, gout, and impotence

Scientific insights

Scientific Study

Scientific Study

This herb has remarkable anti-acid and hypoglycemic actions more potent than synthetic drugs such as glibenclamide. It enhances immunity, protects the body from cancer, prevents diseases such as malignant splenomegaly, and checks allergic rhinitis.


How to take Guduchi?
It is available as an herb, powder, or as a decoction. Make an herbal tea using Guduchi stems; this will enhance immunity and cognition or combine Guduchi powder with honey and turmeric for diabetic or hypercholesterolemia management.
Despite guduchi is usually harmless, some people might develop allergic responses, blood sugar levels that drop, or mild stomach problems if they use it excessively. Before consuming, speak with a doctor, especially you are pregnant or undergoing medication.
A shortlist consists of hypoglycemic plants that treat sugar levels. Research shows that their potion works even better than most of the glibenclamide types used today, thus so-called safe, natural treatment for diabetes.